Company profile

The Austria-headquartered S&T AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT) and forms part of the Exchange's TecDAX index of leading high-techs.

The company has some 6,000 staff members working for the Group's subsidiaries and operations, which are located in more than 30 countries. S&T's clients range from SMEs that are active in the widest variety of sectors to leading groups that operate on a world-spanning basis.

In 2016, S&T took a stake in Kontron AG – one of the leaders on the world‘s market for embedded computers – which has enhanced its portfolio of proprietary technologies used in the fields of appliances, cloud security, software and smart energy. This move has made S&T one of the leading suppliers on the international markets for Industry 4.0 and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies.

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